Wednesday 10 April 2013

the diary of a mad black actress from toronto

first of all, my thoughts and prayers go out to every in boston and it's surrounding areas.
i pray that this madness will end with no more casualties...

i was initially going to write this post as a way to voice my frustrations of being a black actress in toronto canada period.
i was going to talk about how the roles for black actresses are so few and far between in this city and  that when they do arrive, it's almost always for stereotypical "black girl" roles: 
teen mothers, girls with attitudes, bullies, girls named 'chantal' (why this is the "go-to" black girl name, i'll never know), dancers, sidekicks, rappers, rude get the point.

i was going to do all uh dat (*insert stereotypical "black girl" snap in a z formation here*) but that would be the longest blog entry ever.
so, i've decided to make my argument via photos:

i present to you, canadian tv shows - 

republic of doyle


being erica

22 minutes
this hour has 22 minutes

the border

*i'll give them a little bit of credit, as they are probably the only canadian show that has a pretty diverse cast.

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